
Showing posts from January, 2013

Has Pakistan’s India-policy been driven by Indian bellicosity?

Introduction: The international system has no place for ethics, or morality for that matter; it is generally deemed  as anarchical, where states strive to achieve their national interests. Cardinal   Richelieu enunciated the   concept of Raison d’état during the Thirty Years War. The states should rely only upon themselves for help and protection i.e. self-help. Even variants of classical realism also agree upon the primacy of national interests; the   Neorealist Kenneth Waltz is a glaring example.   This realist worldview is challenged by liberalism; however, history is replete with examples, which give vent to the realist worldview. Who knows more about the ruthlessness of international politics, than the people of Pakistan and India? Ever since, the inception of these states, wars, conflicts and tensions have marred the region. India and Pakistan are, and probably will remain nemesis. Despite recent peace overtures, there seems to be a stalemate on the main issues. The