The Egyptian revolution
incendiary forces of the 2011’s Egyptian revolution:
they socio-economic or political?
Revolutions have changed the course of
history; they have not only affected the countries of their origin, but their
ramifications have been felt elsewhere. It is normally deemed that, the French
Revolution provided an impetus for further movements, to include nationalistic
ones, which led to the unification of Italy and Germany in the latter half of
the 19th century. Egypt has
also witnessed revolutions, which continues to create an impact. It was the 1952’s
revolution, which ousted not only the monarch, Farouk, but also the British;
the latter had ruled Egypt since 1882. After that, the country was ruled by
General Naguib, Gamal Abdul Nasir and later by Anwar Sadat.
In 1981, Anwar Sadat was assassinated
by soldiers led by Lieutenant Khalid; this brought Hosni Mubarak to power.
Hosni ruled Egypt nonchalantly from then onwards. But, as we say in English
that, for how long can the evil be put off. The populace protested in January,
2011 and soon it turned into a massive revolution, which culminated in the
ouster of the abominable, Hosni Mubarak. I often do not subscribe to the fact
that, the love for democracy compelled people to revolt; instead, I think that
belly teaches all arts. This paper will delve into assessing the incendiary
forces behind the revolution with a special focus on economic and social
factors. This study aims to probe the following: I what caused the revolution
after 30 years of Mubarak’s epoch? II why didn’t this happen in the 1980’s or
1990’s or even in the early 2000’s for that matter? Democrats around the world
attribute the outbreak of the revolution to the dictatorial policies of Mubarak,
to include curtailments on speech; police brutality and others. However, people
lived under the tyrannical regime for 30 years; there was no mutiny to oust the
government till 2011.Although, the
regime was grotesquely repressive, but what actually kindled the revolution
were the socio-economic factors, to include unemployment; high inflation; poor
living conditions and other such grave aspects.
No one can ever undermine the impact
of economic and social factors, on the survivability of an incumbent
government. Although, the revolution in Egypt happened recently, but still
there have been studies carried-out to explore the reasons, which caused the
upheaval in 2011.various studies have attributed the revolution to the
socio-economic factors. A comprehensive study done by eminent scholars of the
American University of Cairo, gives us a full list of socio-economic causes
that, kindled the revolution. First, they delved on the income inequality and
poverty levels in Egypt; backed-up with data, this factor was fully explained
in the study. Certain other factors, to include overpopulation and youth
unemployment, education and market matching, amongst other such indicators were
discussed in the study. In the section of overpopulation and youth
unemployment, the authors opine about the rapid increase in Egypt’s population
during the epoch of Mubarak:
The Ex-president Hosni Mubarak ruled the country for
nearly thirty years, during which the population grew by 90% from 45 million to
85 million, according to United Nations (UN) estimates, despite concerted
government efforts to slow down population growth. The vast majority of
Egyptians live in the limited spaces near the banks of the Nile River, in an
area of about 40,000 square kilometres (15000 sq mi), where the only arable
land is found and competing with the need of human habitations. (10-11)
authors have clearly shown a vivid picture of the bulge in the population,
overtime. This is not all that was dwelt with in this study; furthermore, they
explained a very colossal problem that the youth confronted. They elucidated
that “moreover, according to the Population Reference Bureau’s annual report in
2005 two-thirds Egyptians are under 30, and each year 700,000 new graduates
chase 200,000 jobs” (11). These figures are certainly worrisome, to say the
least. Job is a crutch for every individual and of course, the economy.
another piece of literature gives vent to significance of socio-economic in the
turmoil of 2011. Nick beams, national secretary of the socialist equality party
(Australia), prepared a report, which was published in the World Socialist
Website. The report outlined various socio-economic rationales for challenging
the writ of the state. First, he calls the worker class in Egypt as the most
potent; this inkles pretty much towards the economic element. Nick beams
categorically discusses about the grievances of the workers: they were unhappy
with the post-2004 neo-liberal economic policies of the Mubarak’s regime; the
augmentation in the pace of privatization led to a crisis in the job market;
the conditions of the workers became deplorable and wealth was being amassed by
the higher echelons (par 6). Nick further backs his argument by putting the
following lines in black and white “when the minimum wage rate was related to
per capita gross national product, it had declined from nearly 60 percent in
1984 to 19.4 percent in 1991-92; and then to 13.4 percent in 2007.”(par 6).
These evidences suffice the need to accentuate upon the socio-economic
degeneration, while studying the fresh revolution. It would be pertinent to
mention one other work on this topic. In an article “More than a political
revolution”, Samantha Iyer has attributed the mutiny to high living costs;
youth unemployment and cuts in social services (par 8). The author of this piece has reasonably
accentuated upon the economic factors; in fact, the societal dimensions of the
economy were in limelight. Thus far, the aforementioned studies have
corroborated the claim that, the triggering reasons were apolitical, to say the
least however; the annus horribilis owed to the high-headed policies of
Mubarak. Hence, one can find various scholars concurring upon the economic
elements of the revolution; even scholars like Shadi Hamid, who vociferously
attribute the mutiny to political reasons, also delve on socio-economic
there are some scholars that repudiate the socio-economic milieu as the
incendiary force behind the revolution; they argue that, the Egyptian economy
was relatively better than other countries. One such study is noteworthy;
Andrew V.Korotayee and Julia V. Zinkina, wrote a paper in the Middle East
Online Journal. They used statistical data to manifest that, economic stagnation;
corruption and unemployment were not grave matters. Further, V. Krotayee and
Zinkina bickered “economic growth rates accelerated particularly visibly after
2004 when the new government managed
to attract a group of talented economists who worked out an effective program
of economic reforms.” (3).The study described the Egyptian economy as vibrant,
only in relation to other impoverished countries, which eschews the gravity of
the situation.
from papers, articles and other literary pieces by learned men, one can find
data galore to corroborate the very significance of economic relapse. The bulge
in population became a persistent problem, for it emanated other emanated other
impediments; graphs show the very existence of this phenomenon (see fig .1).
bulge in the country’s populace may turn out to be a bane, to say the least;
the economy may not have the requisite number of jobs, which obviously leads to
the grave problem of unemployment. The pinch of being unemployed cannot be felt
until one goes through the same mill. The figure below clearly depicts that,
the Egyptian population comprises of relatively young men and women. This is a
double- edged sword for the economy; the country’s economy has the propensity to expand however;
unemployment can result in societal evils.
along with other figures speaks volumes of economic and social problems that
led to Mubarak’s ouster from the office. In another data, provided by the World
Bank way back in 1989, it was observed that, upper bracket income earners, got
the lion’s share of Egypt’s national income (Neguib et al.6-7). This, without
an iota of doubt, vitiates the relationship across sections of the society;
Egypt was not immune from all these rifts. The results of all the tables and
graphs that I scanned through were inkling towards lopsided wealth and poor
living conditions. The studies have shown one eccentric phenomenon; the GDP and
GNI of Egypt grew, but simultaneously, the level of inequality also increased.
This is a harbinger of a grievous problem; the economic prosperity does not
have a trickle-down effect.
far, I have reflected upon previous research, pertinent to the titanic
revolution; this upheaval was potent enough to dislodge the monstrous dictator.
I would refer back to the question, which happens to be the mainstay of this
paper. What caused the revolution after 30 years? Why did Mubarak become a
pariah in 2011, but not in the 1980, 1990 or early 2000’s? I vociferously
refute the claim, that the Egyptians had a love lost for democracy; the immense
love for democracy did not bring about the ebb of the dictator. It took nearly
thirty years for the populace to endeavour to supplant the abominable
autocracy, with the enamoured democracy.
The fact, that the nation was in slumber, inkles towards other reasons;
those reasons were apolitical, so to speak. As aforementioned, the sharp
increase in inflation; lopsided distribution of wealth and other factors left
the country in a huff. Especially, if one considers the past performances of
Egypt in the economic sphere, one can develop a link between economic downturn
and grievances. Indeed, the worker class protested only because they were
getting deplorable, by the day. If they were not deplorable; Mubarak’s regime
would have been alright for them. Why would a youngster lambaste a dictator, if
he acquires a job, commensurate with his credentials? Every tom dick and harry
is not cognizant of political theories; he aspires to live with peace and
prosperity. It would not take more time and space for me to repudiate, all
those who try to put weight behind the political factors as the prime movers.
Despite all his repressive measures, which anyways emanated societal problems;
the nation never ventured- out against him. When the economic element was
tinkered by his ill-fated policies, the tide turned against him; no one
camouflaged him. We lived happily under a Pakistani dictator, till a point when
the country was rife with inflation, terrorism and other issues. We Pakistanis,
revolted when the above-mentioned impediments plagued our country. Same goes
for the Egyptians; in fact, all revolutions, barring the Iranian were triggered
by economic downturn and social disparity.
sum, it may not be wrong to say, that the Egyptians were ripe for a revolution,
not because of love for democracy or loath for dictatorship, but because of
economic stagnation and youth bulge, which further had a multiplier effect on
the populace. Mubarak would have clung on to power, had labour been prosperous
or young graduates found apt jobs; he was ousted because people rightly deemed
him and his lackeys as the culprits. The political reasons have their rightful
place in causing a mutiny, but they
cannot supplant the economic and social as the incendiary forces behind the
historic episode. One can identify certain limitations in this study; the paper
has only looked into a few broad economic indicators. A few more graphs and
tables would have gone down well with the readers; graphs and tables help,
elucidate complex situations. The topic is broad and is open to multi-faceted
research. The researchers should, try and go to Egypt to ask those who made
history by participating in the event. No scholar can explain things, the way
these ordinary people can do.
Interesting Post Ali! Keep it up!